Sentiment Analysis
Typical sentiment analysis is misleading. Understand better how your audience feels about any given subject.
ALL about the concept
Luminoso’s platform does sentiment analysis at the concept level as opposed to the more traditional (and less effective) document level….Learn More [Science]
Immediately know what people feel strongly about
Quickly surface how people feel about your and your competitors’ offerings, and get right to work on improvements, fixes, and decision-making.
Get a nuanced, contextualized view of sentiment
See positive, negative, and neutral sentiment at the word or phrase level.

High accuracy across any subject matter
Using a deep learning model, you can automatically create complex representations of words and their context for highly accurate sentiment classification across any industry or domain.
No setup required
Start analyzing sentiment in datasets immediately without the need to define sentiment scores, weights, or words to look for.
Voice of the Customer Analysis
Your customers are
constantly (and
everywhere) telling you
how you’re doing. Analyze
their feedback and
understand them faster.
Voice of the Employee Analysis
Make better people
decisions by understanding
better how to influence
employee productivity and
Market Research Insights
Clients come to you for
your market research
expertise. The right text
analytics platform can
support you as a leading
provider of market insights.

Product Reviews Analysis
Gain insights into what
customers love about your
products to accelerate
product innovation.

Closed Win/Loss Analysis
Do your post-mortem
“Closed/Won” or
“Closed/Lost” analysis with
AI-powered natural
language understanding.

Document Classification
Forget about classifying
countless documents by hand. Instead, use the
power of AI to do it better.

Text Analysis For Qualtrics Users
Qualtrics offers tons of
things to analyze in its
platform. What if the text
is not from its platform?
We’ve got you covered.

Ticketing Workflow Automation
Are your trouble tickets
not landing to the most
appropriate support
personnel? That ends now.

Text Analysis For Medallia Users
Is Medallia’s native text
analytics leaving you
wanting…more? Ya, we feel
you. We’ve got you covered
with relational analytics to
answer business question.
Organizations Trust Luminoso for better insights in text analytics

With Luminoso, organizations don’t just listen to their employees, or even
understand them. They understand them better.